Thursday, April 29, 2010

Free Gift Ideas for Mom

Since I am a Mom and I have a Mom and I know many Moms I have lots of ideas on gifts that cost little to nothing just need some time and thought

1. Clean Moms House!!! The best gift a Mom could get!

2. If mom has a MP3 player Load her favorite songs on it for her. I have an Mp3 player I never use because I dont have the time to load my songs. You can find many free music downloads on the internet and good deals at iTunes.

3. Bake or cook for Mom

4. Weed her garden

5. Schedule a movie night with Mom. Time is a wonderful gift

6. Write a letter with favorite memories Mom has given u

7. Put some pictures in a frame or make a collage

8. Hubbies let your wife know why you think she is a great Mom! This means the world

Feel free to share your ideas with a comment to this post

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